~ 22-23 ~ AP ~ Unit 0    (Physics Skills)


120days & 1 month for review


Less is more

Kinematics in 9 days

Set a year long schedule and stick by it.  Move on, even if there's still confusion

testing has to be scheduled / month ~ Ap test 1-5

daily, publish the week before .... plan on a weekly basis

Tuesday and Friday due dates

use all of the available times, especially in active activities, minimize your alking at the board time.

make all test authentic

unse quizzes to your advantage

assign a grade #

work that students do on their own, but no busywork


corrections on test ~ 1/2 credit 


Test Scoring ~ Raw Score relative to AP score & Gradebook grade

Raw Score AP Score Gradebook Grade
100 - 70% 5 4
69 - 55%  4 3
40 - 54%  3 2
30 - 39% 2 1
0 - 29% 1 0



First day of class

information to memorize ~ Forces



Cart on track with 2 spring scales on one side 2 on other (contact & name the objects)

figure out what did the 3rd read

Physics works


Hippo = edna = .62 kg

What does the scale read?

Edna in equilibrium .... objects exert  forces earth on edna


fact and connection = justification

3 min quiz as enter room, timer on board


Day 2 ~ Quiz & collect homework

Force table with two pulleys

move at constant rate/ speed ... stays in middle

hang smething from pole -- tension  up vs. weight

pulley with 100 g off vs. wiegh in middle and reading on scale at angle

FBD, the wking diagream, then right triangle, then angle, then mystery mass

Instead of the photographs that go under the document cam, I use an app, droidcam, to use my cellphone as a wifi camera.

cart pulling with amount at constant rate

fbd, who on who, equation, 

justification of same coeff of friction,

double speed, what happens, coeff same

